Artificial Intelligence as an Auxiliary Tool in Creating an Advertising Product
The purpose of the article is to explore the role of artificial intelligence in the process of creating an advertising product, analyze its effectiveness, and determine its impact on various stages of an advertising campaign.
Research methodology. The works of Ukrainian (M. Vasylenko, A. Voroniuk, I. Kudriian) and foreign (D. Aguliar, E. Burgess, Y. Dwivedi) authors were used. The following approaches were used: comparative and historical (to analyze the development of AI in advertising); retrospective (to study cases); situational (to evaluate the impact of AI on the stages of the advertising process); and analytical (to develop the authors’ classification of AI). The following methods were used to systematize the data and formulate conclusions: observation, descriptive, comparative, and generalization.
Results. The main areas of AI use were identified: visual content creation, copywriting, campaign planning and optimization of campaigns. A classification of AI for the advertising industry was developed: visual and creative, analytical, and strategic modules. It is determined that AI simplifies campaign personalization, improves targeting, and reduces project implementation time. The legal risks of using AI in advertising are discussed.
Novelty. The study presents a generalized approach to understanding the role and place of artificial intelligence in the advertising industry and offers the authors’ classification of AI, which automates certain processes and opens up new opportunities for creativity in creating individualized and personalized advertising campaigns.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in various industries, such as advertising business, digital marketing, business analytics, educational institutions, and startups engaged in innovative technologies. They will help to optimize the processes of creating and automating advertising campaigns, improve targeting and personalization of content, and reduce the cost of developing advertising products.
Key words: artificial intelligence, advertising, automation, advertising campaigns, personalization, advertising technologies, marketing.
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