Modernisation of Local Media Management Tasks in the Context of Martial Law in Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the ways of modernising the tasks of local media management based on the results of the analysis of changes in the external and internal environment of their functioning under martial law in Ukraine
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization. The article also analyzes the publications of Ukrainian and foreign scholars and the authors' practical experience.
Results. The article analyses the essence of the media management concept and its importance for society. It is shown that in the context of martial law, it is not so much the economic dimensions of media business that come to the fore, but the social significance of the media, which can generate socially beneficial effects that affect the political and security sphere of the state and society. It is shown that the difficult conditions of local media functioning in the context of full-scale Russian aggression encourage media managers to make fundamental changes in the management and organization of media activities. In order to reorient the management of local media from a process-based to a result-oriented model and preserve efficient teams that create and distribute information products, it is offered and substantiated the reasonability of applying a project-based approach, which will allow breaking down the media production process into separate projects, preserving the potential of the media business for its rapid recovery after the end of combat operations, and forming a new project-based organizational culture of media enterprises.
Novelty. Based on the results of the analysis of changes in the management of editorial offices under martial law, a scientific justification of the approach to modernising the tasks of local media management was carried out, which allowed us to prepare practical recommendations for media managers, taking into account the conditions in which local media in Ukraine are currently operating.
Practical significance. The practical recommendations developed as a result of the research should be used by the management of local media editorial offices to increase the social significance of the media products they create and improve the chances of media business survival.
Key words: media, media management, local media, organisation of editorial office’s work, editorial office’s functions, editorial office’s staff, media product, project approach, project.
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