Optimization of Energy Supply Companies’ Communication Policy Within Green Marketing Concept (Dtek Kyiv Electric Grids’ Case Study)
The purpose of this article is to explore and outline the strategies for optimizing the communication efforts of DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids energy company within a green marketing framework, especially under the challenging conditions of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a complex of general scientific special methods. Descriptive and comparative methods were used to work with scientific and media-critical sources on the specified topic, while systemic methods were used in the study of the factual material on the current state of the energy industry and its prospects. The methods of generalization and synthesis served to formulate the conclusions of the research outcomes.
Results. The article substantiates the importance of transparent, effective communication to maintain customer trust and engage stakeholders. Green marketing is a vital tool for energy companies such as DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids, especially in such difficult times as the war in Ukraine. It not only enhances the company's brand image, but also promotes compliance with environmental protection principles, economic efficiency and social responsibility. Key strategies for effective communication in green marketing include maintaining transparency and honesty, engaging stakeholders, using digital platforms, and highlighting sustainability initiatives. These strategies help to build trust, manage public expectations, and create a positive perception of the company's efforts.
Novelty. It is for the first time that DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids is under study from the perspective of green marketing strategies development with a focus on optimizing communication toolkits in the electrical supply industry within the current energetic agenda.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used as a guide for energy companies operating in conflict zones when planning and developing communication strategies. Such optimization makes it possible to increase the effect of the interaction of subjects and objects of communication during a crisis caused by martial law.
Key words: communication policy, green marketing, communication strategies, environmental sustainability, DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2024.4(60).15
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