Pinterest Social Network and its Advantages for Publishing Media Content

I. Mudra


The purpose of the study is to find out what content the editorial offices of socio-political media publish on Pinterest.

Research methodology. The study used general scientific methods: generalization, synthesis, analysis, comparison, abstraction, which made it possible to analyze the social network Pinterest, as well as to find out its advantages for publishing media content. To select media outlets that use Pinterest to publish their content, we used the internal search of the selected social network and the websites of popular media.

Results. The study found that most Ukrainian popular media do not publish their content on this social network. The following socio-political media actively maintain their pages: Radio Svoboda, Ukrinform, Bez Kupyur, and Pershyi Kryvyi Rih. The social network Pinterest belongs to the so-called photo social platforms, where the audience comes for beautiful, inspiring photos. Accordingly, the emphasis is on photos. Short, beautiful videos are also popular on this social platform. The audience comes to this platform to look at beautiful photos, get inspired, get aesthetic pleasure, and borrow ideas for their needs (renovation, manicure, etc.). However, the social network is transforming, and now it is increasingly common to find news content.

The study examined the advantages of the Pinterest social platform for popularizing and promoting media content, analyzed which Ukrainian media outlets publish their content on this resource, and identified the prevailing topics.

Novelty. The social network Pinterest is a promising social platform for publishing media content. Thousands of users around the world consume content on it. But Ukrainian media are reluctant to use this platform to distribute their information products. The research results showed that this social platform has a number of tools that help media content quickly become popular and attract more traffic to the site. When searching for research papers on this topic, no results were found among Ukrainian scholars who would consider this platform for publishing media content and generally analyze how Ukrainian media work on it. Among foreign scholars, this topic is also not sufficiently popular and explored, which provides the novelty of this study.

Practical significance. The study is useful and interesting not only for Ukrainian researchers but also for foreign ones. It is also useful for media editors, as it shows the prospects for publishing and distributing content on Pinterest.

Key words: promotion, popularization, social network, Pinterest, mass media.


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