Visualization of Information as a Component of Filling Media Content

A. Baranetska


Methodology of research. During the study of the issue raised, in particular, in the process of systematization of scientific provisions on the principles of visualization of media content and the development of a visual product in mass media, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as descriptive and generalizations are used. Observing the empirical material involves the methods of observation and reception.Results The article is devoted to the specifics of visualization of information in mass-media discourse. Visualization of media content is described as a natural phenomenon in the modern information space, due to a number of factors, and one of the dominant trends in the development of the media market. The visualization of information in the media is characterized as an important component of the content-emotional content of the mass media. It is found that such transformations in the media are accompanied by the formation of a new model of communication interaction with the audience, which involves the transfer of a large array of information in a short time and in a convenient visual form for perception. It is determined that the main task of visualization of information in the media is, first of all, a deep analysis of data. It is also emphasized that visualized content can be a means of manipulating public opinion, which in turn requires the actualization of such phenomena as the visual culture and culture of the media consumer.
Novelty. The article describes the basics of visualizing media content as a kind of informational-cognitive construct, which determines the formation of a new format of communication interaction with the audience.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of further scientific developments concerning the visualization of information in mass media discourse, as well as during media-media practices.
Key words: visualization, mass media, mediacontent, infographics, text, manipulation, visual culture, information space.


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