Kostiuk I. National Internet-Radio: History and Present Time
Research Methodology. The article’s research used the analysis scientific-sources base on a select question, web-sites of the stations (only the one’s broadcast in Internet) in our country, monitoring.
Results. From a moment appearance of broadcast in the Internet and to our times past almost 25 years, that allowed audial media to capture descriptions of visualization, improve principles of functioning (possibility to set up listening on comfortable time, a journalist is able operatively to react on a message and notes of audience, etc).
At the premier period the stations in Network were presented as internet-pages (app site), which did minimal function, as a rule,: gave information about the station, its workers, format, type of broadcast and others. In the USA, internet-broadcasting also used for on-line of translation of different musical concerts. In our country, web-broadcasting arose up at the end of past century, and the first station which cared broadcast exceptionally in the Internet was founded in 2000-th in Zaporizhzhia.
Today, the amount of the stations work only in Network more than one hundred: some have an original format of broadcasting and musical content (radio «Sport», «KEKS FM»), other are concentrated on the talk type of broadcasting, try to create an original, high-quality product (radio «Arustocraty», «SKOVORODA»). Beginning from 2014 th there were created soldiery stations which dedicate majority of the ether to the questions of war and army.
Originally in both, as a form a property (state) and an informative product (interpretation of state laws, orders and decisions), is the station «Kordon», which submits Government boundary service of Ukraine.
Novelty. Within the limits of the article comparative description of the traditional stations and web-radio is made, did the analysis of domestic Internet-radio stations.
The practical significance. The research results can be used during the further study of Internet-journalism, particularly radio, teaching of one’s subject during the process of study students at faculture journalism, business medias, etc.
Key words: Internet-broadcasting, web site, listener, broadcast radio station, visualization of broadcasting.
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