Evolution of the Ukrainian Editorial Office of Voice of America From Radio Broadcasting to Television and Internet
Research methodology. Monitoring, analysis, generalization of professional studies and journalistic materials on the topic are used in the course of the research.
Results. In the work of the Ukrainian editorial offices of foreign radio stations significant changes have taken place over the last decades. The adaptation to the new conditions of traditionally conservative broadcasters, who were involved in the propaganda opposition between the USSR and the West in the 20th century, is important in this context. The topicality of this scientific research is due to the increased attention of modern researchers to the process of adaptation of Ukrainian editorial offices of foreign radio stations to the rapid development of innovative technologies. The Ukrainian editorial office of Voice of America has been able to keep the attention of the audience in the toughest conditions of rivalry in the modern information environment by transforming from traditional to converged media.
Novelty. The study of the transition of the Ukrainian editorial office of the Voice of America radio station from traditional broadcasting to the creation of a website and production of its own television product.
The practical significance. The transition of the Ukrainian editorial office of Voice of America radio station from radio broadcasting to television and internet has confirmed its consistent adaptation to the requirements of the information age. This enabled the creation of competitive media with the usage of modern media tools.
Key words: the Ukrainian editorial office of Voice of America radio station, radio broadcasting, television programs, website.
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