Social Network as Communicational Platforms: Semiotic Aspect

A. Dosenko, I. Pohrebniak


Research Methodology. The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific literature, comparison of views, questionnaire (to study the opinion of Ukrainians on the impact of social networks).

Results. Modern Ukrainian media consumer has never experienced an information hanger. Media market is oversaturated with TV channels, which actively provide a lot of alternative information, use unique Internet content of various content, independently provided by specialists through the newest and social media.

The article deals with the «newest media» concept, which is now interpreted differently by scholars. It is pointed out such an important aspect of research as semiotic introduction of an information resource, which entails fundamentally new mechanisms of perception and manipulation of the target audience. For a deeper dive into this problem, it is necessary to find out what modern semiotics is and how it is implemented in network communication.

A pilot study of 1,500 people was conducted to study contemporary social thought, including not only average citizens but also leading journalists.

Novelty. The vision of the social networks functioning as communication platforms with regard to the semiotic information representation is revealed.

Practical significance. The study results can be used to develop new mechanisms for informing the target audience through communication platforms.

Key words: social networks, social media, folksonomy, social networks functions, text semiotics, sign.

Key words: social networks, social media, folksonomy, functions of social networks.


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