Journalism in the Epoch of Post-Truth: Revisiting Training of Media Professionals

T. Kovalova, O. Yevtushenko


Research Methodology. Comprehensive research of the post-truth phenomenon, revealing its specific features was made possible by the application of the general scientific method of analytical and synthetic study of scientific sources, and the efficiency determination of the methods of dealing with post-truth - by methods of comparison and generalization.

Results. It was found that post-truth in the information space manifests itself as an appeal to emotions, intentional concealment of facts, dosing of information, information overload, combining truth and lies, creating artificial “sensations” to emotionally swing the audience. Post-truth phenomenon is a threat to a democratic society because it can reduce the level of democratic participation of citizens, reduce their faith in critical thinking, and undermine confidence in state institutions. Educational responses to post-truth manifestations can include the development of critical thinking skills, media literacy, fact-checking, working with data and data sources in journalism students. Response strategies include providing future media professionals with a broad humanity, interdisciplinary education and building coalitions to fight [post-truth] together with other stakeholders (media, fact-checkers, responsible politicians, data collecting and processing government institutions and civil society organizations, administrations [owners] of social networks.

Novelty. The post-truth issue was considered in the context of Ukrainian facts of life from the point of view of both practical journalistic activity and training of media professionals. The methods of fighting post-truth, which are expedient to use in educational process were substantiated

The practical significance. The study results can be used by the faculties and departments of journalism to adjust a curriculum of journalism students of different educational levels, as well as by individual journalism lecturers while developing a syllabus.

Key words: journalism education, post-truth, populism, fake, fact-checking.


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