Directions of Mediatisation of Modern Art

V. Ryvlina


Research methodology. The basis of the research is information, axiological, cultural, systemic, activity approaches. The following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization – to determine the phenomenon of mediation as a special type of communicator; modeling – to represent the mediatization of contemporary art, manifesting itself in different forms and relating to all factors of its communication system, as well as a work of art, becoming them in the coordinates of the new psychology of artistic perception, to identify the mechanisms and means of communicative influence of art on society.

Results. The essence of the concept of mediatization of contemporary art as a communicator and its role in shaping the global paradigm of the information society is characterized. The results of the study can be used to develop the following areas: development of typology and analysis of the function of contemporary art as a communicative form; analysis of communication channels of information transmission by means of contemporary art; cultural discourse in the new media; highlighting contemporary trends and perspectives for the development of contemporary art in Ukraine and in the world as a special communicative form. In addition, it seems promising to study the process of mediating art in the context of each of its types.

Novelty. Within the article the directions of mediatization of contemporary art are analyzed, with the identification of positive and negative effects of such process, as well as the conclusion about the total dependence of art on technological changes in the communication sphere of society.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to determine the direction of deployment of the mediation process in the field of art. Due to the actual analysis of contemporary art precisely from the point of view of its communicative function, the mechanisms and means of influence of digitization of an artistic work on the society have been identified, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of art mediatization are characterized.

Key words: mediatization, digitalization, mediology, performance, communication.


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