Problematics of the Content of Printed Issues of the Industrial City: a Social Aspect

V. Bradov, E. Prokopchuk


Research methodology. During the study, the methods of continuous sampling, analysis and synthesis, monitoring, content analysis, questioning, questioning, and comparison were used.

Results. Mass media is an integral part of the social and political life of society, one of the most important and powerful tools for shaping public opinion. It is for this reason that social media materials occupy a significant place in the content of print media. At the present stage, social topics are characterized by a variety of issues, broadly embracing the life of society, and require a more integrated approach to their study. The analysis of scientific periodicals makes it possible to distinguish between the most relevant topics in today’s reality, but the views of media managers on coverage of some social problems and the audience may not coincide. The purpose of the study was to determine how much the editorial agenda for social issues is in line with existing information readers’ queries. The content analysis conducted allows us to conclude that the editorial management tries to take into account the wishes of the audience, but this is not done systematically, without a comprehensive analysis and conducting relevant scientific inquiries regarding readers’ preferences.

Novelty. In a counter-comparison of the topics offered to the audience by the editorial staff, with those information requests that come from the readers. This approach makes it possible to determine the relevance of the thematic «agenda» and the needs of its audience as a criterion for the effectiveness of mass media activity.

The practical significance. The results obtained can be used in the practical activities of print media, as well as to further search for more effective approaches in the study of information preferences of the audience.

Key words: social issues, audience, information needs, influence of mass media.


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