Interactive programs on regional television (based on the programs of TRO LLC Mariupol Television)
Research Methodology. In the course of the study we used a bibliographic method for to collect and analyze literature on the topic of research, a descriptive method for to determine the types of interactive television programs, the specifics and functions of interactive content, the observation method for to indicate the place of interactive content in regional television programs for quantitative- qualitative indicators, analytical method for determining the dynamics of development of regional interactive broadcasting over the last seven years and synthesis method for generalization of data.
Results. Іnteractive journalism can be a means of determining the importance of news to society and being able to improve it in real time through instant access to consumers on the Internet. Despite the popularity of the Internet, television still has value among residents of the Donetsk region and continues to satisfy viewers’ information needs. One of the tasks of television journalists is to keep their target audience from moving to the World Wide Web, and the main tendency for most TV channels today is to create quality interesting content that will compete with non-traditional media. The most popular media among the residents of the Donetsk region is television. The article investigates the amount of interactive content in the weekly network of broadcasting of Mariupol regional TV channels and determines that «Mariupol TV» is the leading channel by the criterion for the inclusion of interactive content in its broadcasting among regional TV channels of the city. The element of interactivity is present in five programs of own production of the channel and occupies 23,5% of time of broadcasting weekly. Today, regional interactive journalism is a primitive call to the studio, and to replace the letters came the opportunity to comment on social networks. Programs do not differ in their individual approach to engaging with their audience. The study made a comparative analysis of the state of interactivity on regional television in 2019 and 2012. Over the last seven years, the genre-themed palette of interactive broadcasting has not changed dramatically. Interactivity on regional television is only developed as a media presentation on the Internet. New technologies are not used in the creation of programs, preferring to traditional calls to the studio and commenting on social networks. Interactive broadcasting models are not implemented because of the monotonous genre-themed content of regional television, as information programs and conversations on socially relevant topics for residents of the region are preferred.
Novelty. The article deals with the amount of interactive content on regional TV channels of Mariupol, states the state of interactivity on regional television on the example of LLC TRO «Mariupol Television», and also considers the dynamics of development of interactivity of the TV channel over the last seven years.
Key words: interactivity, interactive programs, interactive journalism, regional television.
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