Use of Sociological Research Data in Journalistic Practice

N. Kodatska, O. Yatchuk, O. Lesiuk


Research Methodology. The article’s research used the historical and comparative-historical methods, systematization, classification and grouping, content analysis method.

Results. Studies of journalistic practice confirm that the most widespread use of public opinion polls in the media, especially during election campaigns, results of monitoring studies of various parameters of the life of the population are less frequently covered. Summarizing the results of research into current practices in the use of non-survey methods of data collection in sociology, we can conclude that, despite the significant development of this area of research, the experience of their use is quite limited. Most often they are auxiliary sources of sociological data, while questionnaires retain leadership positions. A feature of contemporary international research is its high polyphonic methods, which include online surveys, computer, telephone and paper interviews, which are approximately equally represented. At the same time, domestic research is dominated by personal interviews and in-depth interviews. In addition, combining research methods is a common practice in public opinion research. The analysis of the level of use of scientific methods and the correspondence of the reality of the practice of coverage of sociological research data in journalistic activity is carried out. The problem of unprofessional or impartial interpretation of sociological research data has been studied, which leads to distortion of the content and results of certain surveys. A certain set of methods of empirical researches which are applied depending on the outlined purpose and tasks in journalistic practice are considered. The most common practices of using the latest non-survey methods of data collection for different categories of population are highlighted. Recommendations were given on the interpretation of the results of public opinion polls and their impartial presentation in the media.

Novelty. The article analyzes the level of use of scientific methods and the correspondence of the reality of the practice of the use of sociological research data in journalistic activity.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to improve the level of professionalism of using sociological research data in the information space.

Key words: general population, sources of information, public opinion research, journalistic activity, systematization of data.


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