Modern Tendencies of Renewing the Formats of Kultura and Promin Radio Waves
Research methods. In the study, the following methods were applied: analysis of documentary sources (reports, interviews with the producers of Ukrainian radio structural units), observation, analysis and synthesis of scientific literature.
Results. The media product of social broadcasting is designed for the audience of various ages and social groups. It is aimed at developing and meeting the cultural, educational, and communicational needs of the media audience. At the current level of their functioning, Kultura and Promin radio waves are going through a period of serious transformations related to both the changes in format, content, and the way of presenting the information itself (live conversation of the presenter with the audience/guest in the radio studio). The approach to designing the running order has also become different. The running order has become longer, i.e. the air time within a 24-hour period is devoted to a particular significant programme, which is dominant on the broadcasting day. There have been some TV methods for planning the running order applied. These are the so called radio drops, the selection and broadcasting of some fragments of long interviews with the guests to the studio and using the fragments at different air times for various purposes, and seamless running order to preserve the interest of young radio listeners. It is proved that radio broadcasting of social broadcasters has become more dynamic, flexible, and easier for the perception of the audience. Not only structural, but also intrinsic changes have touched upon the broadcasting of the channels under consideration. The radio projects have been optimized regarding their genre. There have remained radio plays, radio concerts, audio books, a radio theatre, but a radio series, a radio movie, a rock show, a radio disco, some comic shows and interactive programmes have been added. There have appeared various radio versions of the TV projects, i.e. professional adaptation of popular Suspilne movlennia TV projects for radio has become frequent. Based on the fact that Kultura and Promin radio channels take into account the interests and demands of as wide audience as possible, their commitment to topicality, and their objective presentation of the information, the conclusion has been made that these channels have been gradually transforming into high quality social broadcasters, which are able to present original modern content to their audience.
Scientific novelty. Within the scope of the article, an attempt has been made to analyze the transformational processes that have been taking place at the modern Ukrainian radio while acquiring its new status of the social broadcaster.
Practical implications. The results of the research can be used to improve the quality of radio broadcasting at Promin and Kultura channels.
Key words: social broadcasting, Promin and Kultura radio channels, radio projects, format, content, radio audience, presenter, radio broadcaster, running order.
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