Specificity of the «Caps» of «Kino-Gazeta» (1928–1932)

G. Kholod


Research methods. The following methods were used during the study: analysis, synthesis, comparative method, descriptive method.

Results. Determined the specifics of «caps» in the «Kino-Gazeta» (1928–1932), paying attention to their content, lexical, syntactic, intonational design, the use of paralinguistic means of design.

The analysis and synthesis used in the elaboration of the «caps» featured in the «Kino-Gazeta» for 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 gave an opportunity to create a holistic picture of the specificity of their content and design trends.

The «Hats» of «Kino-Gazeta» (1928–1932) mainly outline events relevant to the above-mentioned period, related to the development of cinema, politics, and the economy of the state. Various combinations of paralinguistic means of decoration were used in the «caps» of «Kino-Gazeta» for 1929, 1930, 1931. Caps of «Kino-Gazeta» (1928–1932) used narrative, interrogative, stimulating, exclamatory, parceled, incomplete two-fold, impersonal sentences, verbs of the ordering method of the right and wrong kind, combination of the lexemes «must», «must» with infinitives, lexicals with destructive meaning, and ideologically involved tokens.

Novelty. The above topic has not yet been explored by scientists. This article is the first attempt to fill the information gap. It will give an idea of the dynamics of the design of «caps» within one specialized newspaper about cinema, which will reveal the general tendency for the design of «caps» of the aforementioned period.

Practical meaning. Research results can be used in publishing by art editors, web designers, both to produce a modern information product and to create a newspaper of a particular historical period.

Key words: «cap», «Kino-Gazeta», specifics, thematic range, paralinguistic design means, tokens.


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Cap. (1928). Cinema-newspaper, 4, 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (7), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 4 (10), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 5 (11), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 6 (12), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 7 (13), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 8 (14), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 9 (15), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 14 (20), 15 (21), 1. (in


Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 14 (20), 15 (21), 6. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 16 (22), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 16 (22), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 16 (22), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 17 (23), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 18 (24), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 19 (25), 20 (26), 2. (in


Cap. (1929). Cinema-newspaper, 21 (27), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (31), 2 (32), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (31), 2 (32), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (31), 2 (32), 6. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 3 (33), 4 (34), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 3 (33), 4 (34), 6. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 3 (33), 4 (34), 5. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 5 (35), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 6 (36), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 7 (37), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 10 (40), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 10, 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 11 (41), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 12 (42), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 13 (43), 14 (44), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 15 (45), 5. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 16 (46), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 17 (47), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 17 (47), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 17 (47), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 18 (48), 6. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 21 (51), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 21 (51), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1930). Cinema-newspaper, 28 (50), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (67), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (67), 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 3–4, 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 5 (71), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 5 (71), 4. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 6 (72), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 8, 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 16–17, 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 18, 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 18, 3. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1931). Cinema-newspaper, 19–20, 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1932). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (103), 1. (in Ukrainian).

Cap. (1932). Cinema-newspaper, 1 (103), 2. (in Ukrainian).

Cap (1932). Cinema-newspaper, 3 (105), 1. (in Ukrainian).


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