Brandologist vs Brandmaker: Geobranding Terminology Formation

V. Voronova


Research methodology. The work used methods of comparative analysis, of systematization, generalization and modeling to formulate author’s definitions of brandmaker and brandologist terms.

Results. Problems of terminological standartization of geobranding as one of the factors of its institutionalization as social and communicative technology were analyzed. The active development of conceptual framework is stated and number of issues of terminological standartization of this activity is formulated.

The author attempts to differentiate the word usage of lexical items to notate persons specialized on geobranding. The analysis of Ukraine practice of branding and geobranding, scientific resources on the topic, selection of mass media illustrations proved that the choice of the most optimal nomination to name a person specialized in branding has not yet been completed. Today, in Ukraine branding practice and scientific discourse several nominations are co-existing: brandmaker, brandologist, brand manager, brandbuilder. The most frequent, according to the author’s observation, the brand manager nomination is. The differentiation of brandmaker and brandologist words is offered on the domination of the practical (peculiar for the first denomination) or research (more specific for the second denomination) aspect of branding activity. However, today both denominations are offered to recognize as industry words, because none of them not included to the current Dictionary of Occupational Titles DK 003:2010.

Novelty. There was made an attempt to differentiate the word usage of lexical items to notate persons, specialized on geobranding, namely brandologist and brandmaker in particular.

Practical significance. The research results can be used in practical branding activity for more effective professional communication.

Key words: brand, branding, brandologist, brandmaker (brand-maker), brandbuilder, brand manager.


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