The Evolution of the Processes of Political Communication in the Middle East
Research methodology. In the course of the research, the method of scientific analysis identifies the main forms of communication between the ruling elites and the population, and the method of scientific synthesis clarifies the relationship between transformation processes and political communication in the Middle East.
Results. Researches in the field of political communication in the Middle East are constantly changing and undergoing profound transformational processes. However, until recently the theory of communication has generally not been developed as a scientific field. The processes, taken place during the so-called «Arab Spring», gave it a significant impetus.
There can be distinguished several directions of studies among the main researches on the evolution of political communication processes in the Middle East. In particular, American researcher Mohammad Ayish singled out researching propaganda publications in times of armed conflict as well as publications concerning the study of international news channels. At the same time, Canadian sociologist and communications researcher Philip Howard paid his attention to the studies proving that during the Arab Spring events information and communication technologies (ICTs) became a fundamental infrastructure for journalists and civil society groups. He also proved the civic journalists to have played one of the most important roles during the events of the Arab Spring. These were ordinary people covering the local events using their phones to take pictures and post them to their own Facebook pages. This means of exchanging information made it possible to overcome the gulf separating ordinary citizens from experienced activists. Such reporting was characterized not only by the facts’ transmission, but was also filled with emotional support in communication and helped to develop the collective identity of the protest.
However, there still remains of great important the very fact that some ruling regimes continue to manipulate the masses. Therefore, the right of ordinary citizens to receive truthful information is particularly important, with the facts not been distorted, obligatory maintaining their own context, so that the reader can get a complete and realistic picture of what is happening.
Novelty. The author has for the first time studied the role of such actors as civic journalists in the traditional Arab society; determined the consequences of their influence on the political dimension of the communication process during the non-violent change of ruling elites.
Practical significance. The results of the study should be used in further scientific work, as well as to accurately looking into the evolution of political communication processes in the Middle East. In addition, the results will be of value for drawing parallels with Ukrainian processes.
Key words: «Arab Spring», political communications, citizen journalists, social networks, the Internet.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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