Communication Strategies of Successful Native Advertising Special Projects

V. Kovpak, N. Trotsenko


Research Methodology. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: descriptive, comparative and typological analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison.

Results. The article analyzes the communication strategies of successful special project of native advertising (in particular, the examples of the special project and the special project Mind and Kyivstar). In the discourse of native advertising, it’s more appropriate not to talk about the features of media, platform, location, type of content - text, photo, video, etc., then the genre is news, interviews, ads with or without photos, but constructively in a discussion about the effectiveness of such advertising focus on trends in the presentation of the material and the understanding that the consumer in modern realities requires a native component in almost any advertising content. Therefore, intelligence implements the task of covering the features of the concept, the criteria for native advertising; features of the native project special project format as a communication strategy (in particular, on the examples of the special project (Platformagic special project and native advertising studio) and the Mind and Kyivstar special projects).

The structure of the team resource by M. Balaban and D. Tuzhansky for the development and manufacture of native material is presented, it is formed depending on the idea and mechanics of the project.

Any special project is the same material as the daily editorial, it is only completed, as a rule, with a large budget. Therefore, special projects are saturated with visual elements, high-quality photos and video materials, dynamic design, technological solutions. The most popular type of native advertising today is special projects or branded content, that is, stories in a special format that the brand paid for and that convey the value, emotions, idea, philosophy, loyalty, and reputation of this brand.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it analyzes the features of such a format of native advertising as special projects, in the media space as a communication strategy (for example, successful Ukrainian special projects), which will identify strategies for the native content of the analyzed projects, cases are applied.

The practical significance. The research materials, its generalizations and conclusions can be useful for specialists in journalism, advertising, PR, public relations, students, scientists who study advertising discourse, the problematic field of brand promotion, as well as in the preparation of special courses and seminars, will be a valuable source of knowledge for those Ukrainian, in particular regional, producers of native content who work with special projects.

Key words: nativeness, native advertising, branded content, special project, communication strategy.


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