Features of Communication Strategy of Socio-Cultural Projects in Ukraine (on the Example of the «Chervene Vino» Wine Festival)

O. Oblasova


Research methodology. To analyze the festival’s communication strategies, an observation method was used to identify the specific communication tools of the festival movement. Using the descriptive method, the specifics of each were examined. Methods of analysis and synthesis have allowed us to make generalizations and come to some conclusions. The use of empirical methods allowed to develope a system of communication measures, the implementation of which would contribute to the improvement of the communication strategy of the «Chervene Vino» wine festival.

Results. «Chervene Vino» wine festival, hold in Zakarpatt’a region, demonstrates significant cultural, economic, social potential, as well as has considerable resources for promotion of the region and Ukraine, but like dozens of other similar projects of Zakarpatt’a, for many years of activity it was not able to use them fully. This is due, first of all, to an incomplete and not professional enough approach to its organization, although recently we have noticed a significant development of the project in the field of branding and advertising.

The positive communication aspects of the «Chervene Vino» wine festival include:

– promoting active professional communication (between winemakers);

– unity of visual communication style;

– Intercultural communication;

– the festival acts as an effective promotion of the region;

– active cooperation with the media in the region;

– support for local producers, small business incentives;

– original content on social networks;

– clearly structured communication scheme in preparation for the festival (with participants).

Among the unfinished aspects of the communication strategy we see:

– lack of a web resource that would provide up-to-date information about the event;

– work mostly with local media, insufficient involvement of national media giants;

– insufficient work in social networks;

– absence of national sponsors and partners;

– passive work with the tourism potential of the festival;

– lack of a clear PR-strategy.

Novelty. The article discusses communication strategies that promote the «Chervene Vino» wine festival, which has been held in Zakarpatt’a region for many years.

Practical importance. The results of the study can be used to develop communication strategies to promote not only the «Chervene Vino» wine festival, but also the festival and fair movement of Zakarpatt’a, improving the tourist attractiveness of the region and the development of the tourism industry in the country as a whole.

Key words: festival movement, communication strategies, socio-cultural projects, «Chervene Vino» wine festival, Zakarpatt’a region.


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