Research methodology. The research methodological basis is developments in social communication sphere. The systematic approach and comparative analysis were applied in the study of documents, that determine the principles of work of exhibition and museum centers. A personalized approach was taken in study of data of personal records of a person, who had made a great contribution to organization of museum exhibition in the University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro city).
Results. On the basis of the documents analysis the factors contributing to work of museum exhibition in a higher education institution and to maintenance of its activities were determined, in particular:
1. Availability of a connection between all the structural elements of an education institution.
2. Active external communications with professional and public communities.
3. Presence of an internal manager, who has the full range of authority in the institution and personal characteristics that enhance the quality of authority exercise.
Overcoming social exclusion through invitations to joint actions and activities, conducting introductory tours shows that higher education institution museums have taken the realization of a set of social and humanitarian tasks, while at the same time informally providing the necessary information to potential entrants and their parents about the quality of higher education functioning.
Novelty. Particular attention is paid to the humanitarian mission of the university exhibition center: its role is important in the process of potential students engagement and establishing relationships at the regional level. This is especially acute for Ukraine in the context of decentralization reforms.
Key words: communications, PR management, exhibition center, higher education institution, museum.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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