Features of Study Principles of Functioning of Communication Technologies on Television

V. Shilova


Research methodology. To achieve this goal, we have resorted to the following methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization, and the method of classification.

Results. The experience of Russian researchers in the study of the study of basic principles and provisions of communication technologies (CT) on television enriched by the works of such scientists: Kara-Murza S.G., Tarasov O.M., Sheinov V.P. Because the characteristics allow us to determine the essential characteristic features of the research subject, the author interpreted the 41 signs of detecting manipulative information-psychological influence (IPV) proposed by Polevoj V.I. As a result of this interpretation and analytical experience, the basic principles and regulations of communication technologies on television were outlined. According to the results of the study, the author concluded that: communication technologies on television are studied from the standpoint of their manipulative nature; such technologies are inherent in both content and organizational characteristics; CT on television is studied as a means of manipulative information and psychological influence; during the study of CT, researchers analyze their impact due to the quality of perception of the recipients (viewers); there are six principles of communication technology audience perception; CTs are also studied from the point of view of information presentation (example, due to framing); CT is also studied by their simulacra character (for example, in the works of J. Baudrijar); CT studies are also carried out using the ideas of "speech games" (for example, in the studies of G. Pocheptsov, S. Kara-Murza).

Novelty. For the first time specific features of studying the principles of functioning of communication technologies on television have been revealed.

Practical importance. The results of the study can be used by TV news and entertainment editors.

Key words: principles of operation, communication technologies, television broadcasts.


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