Sports Communications: Communication Process, Its Source and Barriers

A. Karnaukh


Research methodology. The basis of the study is informational, synergistic, culturological, pra­xeological, systemic, personal, activity approaches; the following methods were used: generalization of scientific experience and terminological analysis – to consider the theoretical aspects of constituents of such concepts as communication process, communication levels, communication networks; analysis, synthesis, generalization – to determine the main characteristics of the communication process; grouping, abstraction – to identify the types of communication networks used in the system of sports communications; logical and theoretical generalization – to prove the necessity of applying new scientific approaches and principles regarding the substantiation of the communication process in the system of sports communications.

Results. The peculiarities of formation of the communication process in the system of sports communications are determined.

Novelty. The factors influencing the development of communication process are analyzed and revealed. The components of the communication process are systematized. Types of communication networks are classified. It is analyzed what communication networks are used in sports communi­cations. Levels of communication and obstacles that can hamper effective communication processes are identified. The optimal variants of overcoming of communication obstacles, which will allow to minimize their influence or to neutralize at all, are offered.

The practical significance. The research results can be used during the development of events of formation of sports communications.

Key words: sports communications, communication process, communication networks, level of communication, obstacles in communication.


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