Priority Women Images іn Current Journal Media

A. Коndryko, M. Коndryko A., Klueva M.


Research Methodology. The article’s research methods of analysis (to determine priority patterns of women in scientific discourse, used pages of magazines and journal media. The analysis included collation of images into constituent elements and studying them as a whole, including induction (to formulate a general conclusion on the basis of the study of individual, figurative, elements) and typology (in order to outline the criteria for selecting empirical material).

Results. It was found that massive communication and information media has an active influence, not only on the individual but also on society as a whole.  It plays an important role in stereotyping the person and society, participating in creating an image of the social world. Stereotyping in mass media is the processing of mass media information, often with false ideas about social phenomena, people behaviour and their environment in general; attributing to certain subjects or phenomena regarding attributes they do not actually possess. The aim is, subsequent transmission by channels of commu­nication. Scientists refer to the main stereotypical female images depicting modern media «barbie woman», «cinderella», «glamorous girl», «mean girl», «super-woman», «cosmic woman», «feminist», «guardian», «militant woman» and «business woman».

The analysis of the July-December 2018 issue of ‘Esquire’ men’s magazine was to highlight the priority of female images, demonstrating that the recipient is often exposed to images of «cosmic women», «glamorous girl» and «cinderella» and possible mixed images. It is worth noting that the more often a certain image is shown, the better it is retained and remembered.

Novelty. The article highlights the concept and features of gender stereotypes determining the formation of certain images of women in magazines and journal media, indicating a scientifically grounded system, displaying the results of practical study of a popular magazine that creates and introduces specific images of women into the reader’s mind.

The practical significance. Identifying and analysing these images of women in popular journal media will enable us to generalize the current picture of gender media stereotypes and make it possible to influence effectively.

Key words: gender, popular culture, media, national mentality, image, stereotype.


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