Formation of Readers’ Interests by Ukrainian Fashion Media

K. Temchur


Research methodology. Women’s magazines «Marie Claire», «ELLE» and «Vogue» was analyzed by the content analysis method.

Results. Under the influence of electronic media, people began to read less. The crisis of reading culture raised the question of the possibilities of interaction between the media and the book. In particular, books in various forms can be promoted by the media. It should take into account the features of modern reading, which was transformed under the influence of electronic media: the impossibility of focusing on large texts, interest in topics and genres common on electronic media, the need for a broad representation of pictures in print products. To do this, the books that the media offers to their readers should be in their interests, to talk about the hero, which can be a role model, their text should be dynamic and emotional. An example of well-known people, authoritative ratings, an appeal to self-development, everything that is easily understandable and appealing to human instincts can stimulate reading. Women’s magazines publish ratings and collections of books that are intended to attract readers’ interest in these books. These ratings and collections makes by a certain criterion: self-development, psychology, selebretis preference, etc. At the same time, their thematic direction is fashion, beauty, health, love, etc. In this way, the media make a collections that are inte­resting to the audience, while directing the reader in a certain direction.

Novelty. Fashion magazine sites are more accessible than their print versions. Therefore, the study of methods for promoting books on the sites of these journals should complement the study of methods for promoting books in printed versions of fashion magazines.

Practical significance. Results can be used to promote books on magazine sites of any thematic direction.

Key words: women’s magazine, fashion gloss, reading culture, reading circle, reading value orientations.


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