Genesis Of Service-Expert Television Journalism
Research methodology. In the course of the research methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used for the study of features of service-expert television journalism, the clarification of terminology and the identification of its relations with service journal journalism, serials and videoblogs; the retrospective method is the basis of the study of the development of service-expert television journalism.
Results. It is possible to distinguish several basic stages in the genesis of service-expert television journalism. The stage of formation of service journalism presupposed adherence to the principle of objectivity and standards of journalistic ethics in coverage of service topics to avoid analogy with marketing and advertising materials. The stage of transition to service-expert journalism was carried out through the strengthening of the expert component, which received a terminological reflection in the concept of «service-expert journalism». At the stage of implementation of service-expert journalism in TV production it became possible to retrospectively visualize the appearance, development and solution of a particular problem, to reproduce in a concise form a long process of testing, experiment, observation; under the influence of serial and blogging media culture, service-expert television programs acquire features of procedural drama (the plot is built around each individual release of the program) and videoblog (realism in plots and images).
Novelty. In the article the main stages of development of service-expert television journalism are investigated.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the practice of television production, for further study of the features of service-expert television, and for the development of scientific and methodological materials for educational disciplines in the field of television journalism.
Key words: service journalism, service-expert television journalism, service-expert television programs, serial, procedural drama, video blog.
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