The Materials of the Ukrainian Editorial office of BBC: Genre Varieties in the Format of Internet Broadcasting
Research methodology. To achieve the goal and fulfill the tasks of identifying the genre features of the materials of the Internet resource, the method of monitoring has been applied. The methods of analysis and synthesis were also applied that made it possible to find out the genre specificity of the texts, to trace changes that occurred in the usage of the classical system of genres after the transition of BBC News Ukraine to the format of the website. The descriptive method helped to trace the meaningful features and the application of traditional and new genres in the preparation of materials.
Results. The transition of the Ukrainian editorial office of BBC Radio to working on the Internet has fundamentally changed the technical capabilities of format, preparation and placement of content. Not only the name – BBC News Ukraine, but also the audience that read and watched the programs and materials of the editorial office had changed. It also influenced the genre structure of materials, confirming the conventionality of their division according to the classical principle. The basis of filling the Internet page is the materials of informational genres, primarily the news of different types that define the program concept of BBC News Ukraine. As a result, the materials that are being prepared by the editorial office became more genre diverse and, therefore, attracted the attention both of traditional BBC fans and of younger audience that prefers dynamic, rich information and widely uses gadgets.
Novelty. The article analyses the work of the Ukrainian editorial office of BBC after the transition to the website format. It has been established that the activity of BBC News Ukraine on the Internet expanded the genre palette of materials, made it possible to use the classical system of genres more flexibly and expediently, being guided by the topical requirements of the modern information environment and the audience needs.
The practical significance. The results of the research that can be used by domestic media in order to prepare new and quality materials and programs are those that are related to the analysis of the evolution of traditional genres that happened as a result of the transition of the Ukrainian editorial offices of foreign radio stations from broadcasting to working in the format of websites and accordingly the expansion of the usage of new genre forms.
Key words: the Ukrainian editorial office of BBC Radio, BBC News Ukraine, genres, news, articles, Internet broadcasting.
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