Concepts of Social Technology, Social Engineering: Conceptualization and Operationalization of the Terms
Research methodology. The purpose of this research is to analyze modern approaches in scientific researchers to the concepts of social technology, social engineering and social communication engineering. This research strategy relies on the general scientific research methods of systematic review, generalization as well as concretizing and comparison to show the essence of conceptualization and operationalization of the concepts of social technology, social engineering and social communication engineering.
Results. This study looks at the main scientific theories of social technology along with their methodological background. Moreover, an attempt is made to identify interdisciplinary factors of the conceptual diffusion of the terms «social technology» and «social engineering». The analysis revealed that these two terminological constructions have had paralleled but sometimes incompatible history of their conceptualization and operationalization. This research highlights that the problem of social technologies is a relatively new field of study which still undergoes permanent conceptualization and redefinition. The researcher singles out two directions in the modern interpretation of social technologies. The first one is a social engineering approach to the phenomenon of social technologies, whereas the second direction looks at them from the standpoint of digital communications.
Novelty. With this study, a systematic analysis of social technologies and social engineering as part of medialogic problems is presented for the first time. Furthermore, introduction of the latest scientific interpretations of these concepts into the methodology of research opens up new horizons for the national study of social communications.
The practical significance. The findings may be used as a methodological model for further research in the applied science. They may also promote the formation of transdisciplinary theory in the study of social communication technologies.
Key words: discourse, social engineering, social communication engineering, social technology, digital media.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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