New Media in Marketing Communications of Domestic Football Clubs

A. Husiev


Methodology of research. In our research we use methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, which helped to explore the role of new media in the development and successful functioning of football clubs.

Results. It is determined that, social networks allow you to get a variety of information about clubs, fans, methods of cooperation, and this is what they play a significant role in designing sports PR. In addition, it turns out that the use of new media by domestic football clubs, in particular, one of the leaders of the championship of Ukraine, the football club «Alexandria».

Novelty. The creation of sports clubs always involves a certain brand-management. In modern football clubs you can find a reference association of emotional, symbolic and reputation components that are the basis of any brand. However, the usual advertising measures are not enough: sports and, in particular, football – a very specific market, where reputation should be supported not only by successful PR-measures, but also sports achievements. Contemporary sports PR – new media; For example, with the help of social networks, soccer clubs will learn a variety of fan information. Football is traditionally and fairly considered a mass show. So the main feature of PR-support for sporting events is precisely the sporting specificity. Without high sports results to reach high popularity, and hence profit, it is almost impossible for any object of the sports industry. Therefore, the modernity of sports PR – new media; For example, with the help of social networks, soccer clubs will learn a variety of fan information. This enables them to work with them more qualitatively and provide exactly the services they need. The need for PR and advertising occurs when the club or sportsman is acutely in a relationship with certain social groups. Domestic football clubs at all do not neglect the benefits provided by new media, although not as active and effective as foreign ones. However, they also use collaboration with them, recognizing their availability, visibility, information, the ability to reach the widest range of recipients – users of the Network.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the development of special courses on the study of history and theory of social communications.

Key words: sport, advertising, PR-management, Internet, online resource, brand, website, portal, blog, marketing.


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