Theoretical and Methodological Bases of the International Non-Governmental Organizations’ Study
Research methodology. The research uses methods of comparative-historical, problem-chronological, and typological analysis of the international NGOs’ activities and development as a separate and independent participant in the social and communicational system of society.
Results. International non-governmental organizations are a full-fledged element of the civil society organization. Today, the system of modern international relations is characterized by a significant increase in the number of NGOs and an increased impact on world political process and international cooperation. NGOs in Ukraine, as well as in the whole world, are active institutionalized actors of the international relations and participants in the social and communicational system of society. They successfully represent broad public interests that go beyond the boundaries of individual states.
NGOs are active participants in the global system establishment of social communications that influence on the communication processes formation in different levels of social and communication interaction in the world and national society system.
Within the social and communication system of the international community, international NGO exist as an actor, ensuring the implementation of the civil society principles. The main principles include: the implementation of control over the regulation of social and international interests, the interaction of interstate and state institutions with participants of the civil society organization.
Novelty. Within the article there were considered and analysed the concept, classification of international non-governmental organizations, the aims and types, sources of financing in conditions of sustainable development, peculiarities of emergence and their establishment as an independent actor of the social and communicational system of society.
The practical significance. The results of research can be used for writing papers by scientists and journalists.
Key words: international non-governmental organizations, classification, financing, Ukraine, development, activities, groups, civil society, social and communication system of society.
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