The Communication Instruments for the Festival Movement of Zakarpatt’a Region
Research methodology. In the course of the research, the methods of observation (the selection of separate instruments of the festival movement), descriptive (their specificity), analysis and synthesis (conclusions and generalizations) were used.
Results. The communication toolkit that provides information support for festivals and fairs of Transcarpathia consists of a variety of ways, which include traditional ones (information on events on television, radio, print media, outdoor advertising, postal mailings). The Internet provides significant information support. About festivals are described as all-Ukrainian and regional network information resources, numerous bloggers and interested in these events, people give information in social networks. Numerous are press announcements, posters, comments, publications on thematic sites. Partnerships (fundraising and sponsorship), whose potential is practically not implemented, is not developed sufficiently. Organizers who resort to partnerships often do not even mention sponsorship on external media. A specific feature of partnership relations, realized in the festival activities of the region, is their formation on the basis of prior personal acquaintance between the organizer and potential partner. In addition, such interaction is often not always tied to the subject of the event. However, the inhabitants of the region are interested in the development of festivals and fairs, understand a number of positive effects of festivals – their benefit for the development of the region in general and for personal economic profit in particular. In order to increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, communication tools should be significantly improved, expanded and in-depth.
Novelty. The article discusses communication tools that inform the general public about festivals and fairs held in Zakarpatt’a.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to develop measures to promote the festival and fair movement of Zakrpatt’a, improve the tourist attractiveness of the region and develop the tourism industry in the country as a whole.
Key words: festival movement, communication tools, Zakarpatt’a.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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