Cultural Grand Narratives on the Pages of Ukrainian World Press as a Semantic Basis for the System of Coordinates of the Modern Cultural Tradition
Research Methodology. The leading methods of intelligence are as follows: problem-thematic; the method of critical discourse analysis, which enabled to integrate the narrative on the cultural and civilizational progress of Ukraine in the diachronic paradigm in the Ukrainian emigration magazine «Liberation Way» with extralinguistic factors.
Results. The article analyzes the materials of the Ukrainian emigration magazine «The Liberation Way» (1993), devoted to the genesis and semantic load of the cultural and civilizational development of Ukrainian society, the basic principles of the cultural grand narrative as a semantic basis for the coordinate system of the modern cultural tradition. In particular, the main visions of the European roots of the social anthropology of the Ukrainian cultural tradition are highlighted in the long material by R. Kysya «Marginal Ukrainian people on the threshold of Europe»; conceptual tenets of the theory of cultural-civilization and geoculture E. Malaniuk in a lengthy material «Essays on the history of our culture».
In the context of the policy of cultural genocide organized by a totalitarian regime with imperial roots against the Ukrainian people, consisting in a distorted, simplified, rigged coverage of Ukrainian history and culture, it is important not to allow «missing stages of cultural evolution» and due to information accumulated on the pages of the Ukrainian emigration magazines of cultural- civilization advancement to borrow semantic paradigm of national cultural tradition for a modern complex socio-political period Ukryiny.
The reasons for cultural and civilizational stagnation of Ukraine as a post-Soviet country at the stage of its state, marginality in an ethnocultural context, factors of strengthening the «ethnocultural field», shaping the environment of «Ukrainian urbanism», etc. are determined. the significance of the phenomenon of the «old Kiev humanism» and the Western European roots of the national cultural tradition. In diachronic symmetry, the potential of acquired positions of «modern European universalism», «experience of direct involvement in world processes», the problem of «evangelization of Ukraine» are revealed.
Theses about the historical transmission of ethnocultural information and Moscow informational colonialism sound super-modern.
Novelty. It is proved in the article that the cultural grand narrative devoted to the genesis and semantic loading of the cultural and civilizational progress of Ukrainian society in the materials of the emigration magazine ««Liberation Way»» should become the basis for the semantic basis for the system of coordinates of the modern cultural tradition.
The practical significance. The results of the research can be used during the formation of the strategy of cultural and civilization advancement of the Ukrainian people in the media.
Key words: cultural grand narrative, world Ukrainian, magazine «Liberation way», national cultural tradition, semantic basis.
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PDF (Українська)References
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