Main Emphases of Religious and Political Communication in Ukraine in the Beginning of 2019: Media Expression
Research methodology. The research ground is the information approach; the method of scientific literature analysis was used for the general exploration of the subject, for the detection of level of theoretical study of such aspect of religious journalism, as religious and political communication in the Ukrainian media, and content analysis.
Results. The article discusses religious and political communication in the Ukrainian media in the beginning of 2019, as it is then that its main activity, determined by the election campaign of 2018–2019, is noticed. Two aspects were taken into account for the analysis: religious content in media, and details of claims and communications issued by the heads of Christian denominations and the Muslim spiritual leaders to voters and candidates for presidency (or to the newly elected President). The research enabled to define the interest of mass media to the programs and propaganda materials of the campaigners with the view of the employment of the religious component, as well as to politicians’ public self-presentation in the religious sphere.
While communicating both with the society and politicians in the media, different denominations do not view their interests separately from the national ones, since, as any other social institution, they are permanently present in the social discourse, actively reacting to all the present-day challenges. Politicians, in their turn, view church as a partner in the religious and political communication or as a tool of impact owing to high level of its credibility.
«Political markers» in the religious sphere and «church markers» in political sphere will be present in the Ukrainian context while the state is undergoing complex geopolitical transformations and internal policy alterations.
Novelty. For the first time discusses religious and political communication in the Ukrainian media in the beginning of 2019 and its peculiarities are defined.
The practical significance. The results of the research may serve as a theoretical basis for the further study of problems religious journalism.
Key words: religious subject, election campaign, religious component in political discourse, religious and political communication.
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