Development and Transformation of Foreign Broadcasting Mass Media in the Modern World

O. Dzholos


Research Methodology. The article’s research used the analysis of documentary source, comparative analysis, systemic and monitoring methods, a content analysis of foreign broadcasting mass media.

Results. Functionalities of foreign broadcasting mass media will depend on why it was established. The nature of its work creates such tasks: to promote the positive image of the state, to protect its own political and cultural interests, to support tourism, to deal with the negative perceptions in the society that can influence the way of life in the country. It also helps to consolidate relations with diasporas, to study the language and the culture, he values, ethics and spiritual qualities that motivate people at the deepest level and are the sources of the attitudes and behavior which provide the foundation of human society. So, on the basis of it there are five main functions of foreign speaking mass media: the defense of national interests, promotional activity, counter-narrative activity, educational activity and communication. Our arguments for the proposed classification relates to features of peculiarity of foreign broadcasting mass media, historical background and the content of foreign broadcasting mass media.

Novelty. The article analyses, systematizes and introduces new information of functionality of foreign broadcasting mass media and according to the world’s largest mass media corporations .The obtained results supplement and expand well-known facts of specific features in such mass media companies.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to develop and improve the Ukrainian State foreign broadcasting mass media.

Key words: foreign broadcasting, a multimedia platform, propaganda, counter-narratives, a foreign broadcasting corporation, national interests, function.


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