The Party Press: the Past, the Present, the Future (General Tendencies)
Research methodology. The methods of empirical research – observations, comparisons – are used in the scientific research to explore and compare the historical stages of the party press development of different political forces in the leading countries of the world. Theoretical methods of research which were used in the article include the method of analysis and synthesis, which allows to split the party publications by the degree of politization and, on the basis of this, make the predictive conclusions.
Results. Mass media act as a kind of socio-informational policy field. A special place is occupied by the printed organs of parties and political movements, which represent a communicative channel – the leader of ideology, and a means which allows to communicate effectively with adherents and the target audience. Party print organs have undergone a long phase of evolution – from highly specialized in political subjects to fully implemented in the general information field. In a globalized world, the achievements and miscalculations of the national mass media, including party affairs, have no longer narrow-minded, but universal values and influences. It is important to show the process of the emergence and further evolution of the party press, delineate the main trends in the development of the party media in the leading countries of the world in the historical retrospective and give a scientific forecast of the main directions of improvement of the party direction printed media. At the end of the XX-th – the beginning of the ХХI-st century, a large number of the party media has been transformed into pluralistic editions which use effective strategies and newest business models to address a wider range of tasks and expand the readership. An example of such a modernization is the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China «Zhenmin Zhibao» («The People's Daily») with millions of copies in many languages of the world.
Novelty. A significant empirical material was introduced into the scientific circulation.The concept of the party press evolution was formulated.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the scientific studies of the researchers. They can be also used in courses on teaching the history of journalism.
Key words: party press, historical discourse of press development, new tendencies in party journalism.
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