Site and Accounts of the Historical Museum in Social Networks: Development Parameters

K. Temchur


Research methodology. The method of content analysis analyzed the reports of Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after D. I. Yavornitsky about community activity in social networks and the official site.

Results. Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after D. I. Yavornytsky has high performance in social networks. The museum started its work in 2015, because young people spend most of their time on the Internet. As a result of active activity in Twitter, the museum has doubled the number of subscribers for the year and increased the number of views several times. Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after D. I. Javornitsky has accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The museum becomes more famous by registering accounts in social networks and creating an official site. About a third of the audience of the museum’s pages in social networks is made up of young people (people aged up 25 to 34) and about 60% of site visitors are women. The largest number of views are collected by publications related to the local history and excursion of the museum, photographs of exhibits. The number of account signers, the number of visitors to the site, the demographic characteristics of visitors to the site and pages in social networks, the most popular publications are the parameters of the development of the site and the accounts of the museum in social networks. Analysis of the statistics of visiting the site and the acanthus of the museum in social networks should help to find out the areas of work with the audience.

Novelty. The conditions of successful attraction of visitors to Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after D. I. Yavornytsky thanks to the development of the site and acanths in social networks. The parameters of their development are offered.

The practical significance. Research results can be used in museum practice to attract visitors and attract attention to the museum.

Key words: SMM, Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum, Facebook.


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