Prospects of Change in Ukrainian Journalism Education According to Student-Centered Approach

K. Sirinyok-Dolgaryova, Yu. Lubchenko


Research methodology. The research of the quality of journalism education is based on the case of Journalism Department of Zaporizhzhia National University. Used methods are PESTLE and SWOT analyses as well as students surveys.

Results. This paper discusses the prospects for Ukrainian journalism education undergoing complex changes within the framework of the EU project Erasmus+ KA2 DESTIN. According to European tradition, a student-centered approach is a key component of the quality of higher education. Proposed that this approach will be taken into consideration while modernizing Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs in Journalism by higher educational establishments of Ukraine. Case of Journalism Department of Zaporizhzhia National University shows that student-journalists are mainly satisfied with the quality of their studying, however mentioned some aspects for improvements: enhancing quantity of practice-oriented courses, getting more independence and creativity in preparation for classes, updating equipment of classrooms and laboratories, getting rid of duplicating content and aligning it between various disciplines. The article analyses the key factors, which influence the process of reforming higher education in Journalism: political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental issues of Ukraine (demographic crisis, economy fall-down and poverty, overall crisis of the media market). Noted that the opportunities and advantages of Ukrainian higher educational establishments relate to their potential ability to adapt the European experience to develop their capacity.

Novelty. Within the article, there were characterized factors of environment, inner strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads, which influence the quality of studying journalism in Zaporizhzhia National University, systematized opinions of students on improvements of Journalism programs in ZNU.

The practical significance. The research results can be used while modernizing Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs in Journalism by higher educational establishments of Ukraine

Key words: Ukraine, journalism education, Erasmus+ DESTIN, student-centred approach, Zaporizhzhia National University, reform.


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