Study of the Episemological Properties Truth and Truth in Mass Media

N. Gaidur


Research methodology. The methodological basis is a combination of general scientific methods and special methods and approaches to the study of the laws of information processes. The development of the source base was based on the use of analytical-synthetic, logical methods, which helped to formulate the system of initial theoretical positions, the principles of selection, analysis and synthesis of the research material.

Results. The peculiarities of the key characteristics of truth and truth in the media, which are considered in view of the epistemology of journalism as a social phenomenon, are analyzed. Due to the large degree of individual scientific interpretation and scientific convergence mentioned above, one can presume in advance that finding such similar tools will be very difficult – just as it is not easy to use any methods of analysis of the functioning of the media in the past, except for the historical and descriptive . We can not, as the characters of the film «Back to the Future», use the time machine. Unfortunately, we can say in advance that there are no adequate analytical mechanisms that could be considered adequate. Taking into account the diffusion of the media provides an opportunity to evaluate and rethink the role of the media in social processes. The analysis of media practice in the positivist-empirical discourse, the introduction of which sociologists attribute to the beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century, seems to us quite reliable tool for determining the relevance of content to reality, the level of objectivity, honesty and accuracy.

Novelty. It is alleged that the media tend to adapt content to, on the one hand, the ordering of owners and management, and, on the other hand, audience tastes and interests. In view of this, the phenomena of truth and truth in the media are studied based on the philosophical category of epistemology - that is, the analysis deals with the nature and purpose of the two title categories of the science of social communication.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to improve theoretical studies on the theory of social communications.

Key words: author, audience, founder, media, interpretation, content, management, reality.


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