Universal TV&Radio Journalist: Universalization to Specialization
Research methodology. The research features the following underlying scientific methods: content analysis to interpret and outline an array of TV and radio programs that confirm the tendency towards universality of TV and radio journalism; generalization to determine its potential; comparison to understand the relevance of specialization in broadcasting; system analysis to determine the status of a universal TV and radio journalist in the Ukrainian media system; identification of social and market factors in the television and radio world of Ukraine; descriptive analytics to identify the facts of the availability of universal TV and radio journalism in Ukraine and the need for changes in the curricula for the schooling of universal TV and radio journalists.
Results. Characteristic features of the universal TV and radio journalist are revealed, components of the universal product of television and radio companies and the concept of a universal TV and radio audience are determined.
Novelty. The idea that the journalist is universal only when he has a competitive background in his specialty and several close adjacent specialties, which promote the creation of high-quality media products, is defended. Universality in journalism as all-encompassing and polyprofessionality is the concept of a separate discourse, since there is no such thing as a universal product or a universal audience. Any journalistic work involves a target audience, so being universal is to be competitive in a particular field of journalism, in a specialty or in a separate journalistic profession.
The practical significance. The results of the study can be used for further examination of the specificity of journalistic work on television and radio broadcasting.
Key words: universal TV and radio journalist, journalist specialization, TV and radio company, TV and radio market.
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