Religious Journalism in Ukraine: Review of Scientific Works
Research methodology. The basis of the research is the information approach; the method of scientific literature analysis is used to conduct the general examination of the topic, to determine the level of theoretical study of religious journalism; the method of generalization is used to determine in a chronological dimension the array of issues of scientific interest of researchers, and to highlight acute challenges of the day in the sphere of religious journalism in the context of new media development.
Results. A number of issues of scientific interest of researchers of religious journalism and religious Christian communication in the Internet was identified, and priority of these issues by periods was determined. The article focuses on the «religious journalism» and «religious information» concepts. The acute research spheres of the day for religious journalism and denominational communications in the context of intensive development of new media are highlighted.
Novelty. The issues in the religious journalism sphere, which were a subject of Ukrainian scholars’ scientific interest, were identified in the chronological dimension, and their priority in scientific circles by periods was determined. In a quantitative measure, research on religious journalism is divided into three groups (downward direction of intensity): printed religious editions; network religious editions and other web resources of confessions; radio and television. The acute research spheres of the day for religious journalism and denominational communications, caused by the intensive development of network media and by the functions they perform in modern society, were highlighted.
The practical significance. The results of the research may serve as a theoretical basis for the further study of religious journalism and social communication in general.
Key words: religious journalism, religious information, confessional media in the Internet, media strategies of churches, ethnic-religious stereotypes in the media environment.
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