Small Genres of Satire And Humor on the Pages of the Magazine «Komar» (According to 1933–1939 Years)
Research methodology. Methodological basis of the research is a descriptive approach to the study of satire and humorous publications. We used the method of analysis to establish important genre features of small satirical-humorous publications; the historical method helped to trace the peculiarities of the development of certain genres, in particular, anecdote; the method of generalization – summed up the general features and problematic-thematic directions of small genres of humor and satire in the magazine «Komar».
Results. We analysed the small genres of satire and humor, which were published during 1933-1939 years in the pages of the magazine «Komar».
Novelty. The magazine «Komar» was the only satirical and humorous edition of the last interwar years in Eastern Galicia. Also the magazine had a significant impact on public opinion. So the most popular small genres of satire and humor were anecdotes, epigrams, satirical and humorous poetry, dictionaries. We also highlighted the main subjects of such publications, which helped to determine the features of the public, political, social, and everyday life of the Galician in the interwar period. Authors showed through the prism of humor, irony and laugh interest of Ukrainians, their relationships with other nationalities of the region. We learned the main preferences, views, persuasions of the Galician in the first half of the XX century.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used as a source for further study of satirical-humorous genres of the interwar period and for the classification the main features of genres that period.
Key words: the magazine «Komar», anecdote, satire, humor.
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