Concept of Human Engineering in the Amarican Philosophical Tradition and Social Engineering Practices: A. Korzybski’s Transdisciplinary Theory

I. Bondarenko


Research methodology. The use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization allowed to conduct a systematic study on the formation of social engineering into a methodological model.  The application of diachronic method enabled to study the phenomenon of social engineering with due consideration of historical parameters. Genetic sources of social engineering were analyzed in the context of historical approach.

Results. The article presents the historical development of social engineering into a new social practice and philosophical platform. We are finding that the world history of social engineering took its initial roots in the USA during the period of the Progressive Era.  Another aspect explored is the original concept of humanitarian engineering by Polish-born American scientist А. Korzybski

Novelty. The research introduces А. Korzybski’s works into general scientific context so that to draw the attention of Ukrainian communication scientists to their significance. This study also reveals new facts in the history of social engineering, which enables to expand our understanding of this unique methodological system of scientific research. We identify semantic relations existing between concepts of social engineering and human engineering and give our own definitions of these terms.

The practical significance. Research findings comprehensively represent the phenomenon of social engineering in the context of communication paradigm, thus enriching the research strategies of journalism studies.

Key words: industrial society, social engineering, human engineering, «time-binding», creativity, technology, word.



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