Technologies to Form and Organize Media Consumers: Audience’s Position (Based on Responses from Sociological Survey)

T. Bondarenko


Research methodology. To investigate the issue a wide range of methods were used including historical theoretical method, complex analytical method, conceptual-systemic method, method of description, generalization and survey. The applied sociological survey followed through four stages including preparatory stage where a program and toolkit (questionnaires, answer sheets) were developed; then the empirical material was collected by conducting a survey, then the collected information was organized and processed, followed by analyzing the findings and formulating the conclusions.

Results. The survey development and the audience survey were based on the organization and audience preparation technologies, presented by the author in the earlier writings. Respondents' opinion about the ways of drawing attention to journalistic materials and the publication in general were analyzed.

Novelty. The theoretical positions concerning technologies used to form and organize the audience with the help of a survey method were verified. Although the survey results are not representative, they allow to draw a number of conclusions: Internet publications are the media leader; television is ranked high because of the content offered on various platforms; most consumers use the media to receive information, or for work and training; it is important to produce the unique content that can become a dominant factor in the consumption of information; with regard to commenting on journalistic materials, the audience is divided practically evenly into two parts (those who post comments and those who do not); a small percentage of individuals co-create some content; the gamification technologies (games, contests, tests) are gaining popularity; news aggregators play an important role in attracting consumers; a journalist’s work in social networks is effective: and the hosts are becoming more active in promoting publications.

Practical significance. The findings of the study can be used to develop and implement technologies to form and organize the media audience, as well as for further study into the peculiarities that characterize information and communication interaction between the media and audience.

Key words: media audience, sociological research, surveys, technologies to form and organize the audience.



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