Content Analysis of Multimedia Projects on the Novoie Vremia Online Information Resource

O. Nesterenko


Research Methodology. The nature of the issue requires a comprehensive approach to the selection of the research methods. Thus, analysis and systematization of scientific developments in the field of social communications were used to investigate theoretical foundations and to substantiate the nature of information products. The method of description was applied to offer a comprehensive description to characterize the existing genre features in the multimedia formats. The content analysis enabled to determine the research methodology that best explores longreads and landing. Generalization was done to offer conclusions about the types of multimedia information products.

Results. The paper analyzes the scientific and theoretical foundations required to thoroughly investigate multimedia stories as a new format for the online journalism. It is noted that at the present stage of the information production and consumption the audience requires journalistic explanations that cover complex events and phenomena in the accessible format, supported by visualization, multimedia elements, and special design. Today, online editions successfully produce multimedia content, spreading it on all possible technological platforms. Cooperation among journalists in a converged editorial system improves performance and product quality. Storytelling fully meets the audience’s expectations since it provides the information product online covered by a variety of technological channels.

The research attention is focused on visual and audiovisual content in the longreads and landingreads. The concept of «landing» is referred to as the new technologically modified media text created by the synthesis of the longread and landing, the two multimedia formats. Due to the content analysis the structural elements of the multimedia stories presented on The Novoie Vremia Internet resource are characterized according to the following classification features including authors, types, subjects, multimedia history structure, material design, and information perception channels. It is concluded that interactive means (pictures, graphics, photos, videos) help to construct a story making it more enticing.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is presented in the analysis of the modern multimedia stories based on the determined structural and compositional characteristics and in the generalization of the content analysis findings.

Practical significance. The practical significance of the results obtained is seen in the fact that the research findings can be comprehensively used by online media journalists to modernize the information product offered to the modern audience and to improve the media content. The research findings are of the potential interest to those who teach modern digital technologies, Internet journalism and other disciplines. In addition, the information presented in the study can be used to prepare research publications on the current issues in mass communication.

Key words: multimedia story, landing, longread, landingread, online storytelling, internet resource, format.


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