Ukraine and the EU in the Context of the Fight Against Propaganda in Modern Media

M. Netreba, O. Sokoliuk


Research methodology. The study has the basis of a systemic, structural-functional, information and axiological approach; The following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison – to determine theoretical approaches to the problem of propaganda in modern media; hypothetical – to identify the real needs of the audience in obtaining additional knowledge for the recognition of misinformation in the media; modeling – to create a model of relations between Ukraine and the EU in the context of the fight against propaganda in the modern media.

Results. The relations between Ukraine and the EU are characterized in the context of the struggle against propaganda in modern media.

Novelty. A detailed analysis of the awareness of the population of our country in the means of disseminating propaganda in the media has been created, and a technology has been developed to develop counter-propaganda measures to meet the needs of the audience with regard to protection from the propaganda of Russia in modern media.

The practical significance. The results of the research can be used to develop recommendations for journalists, a mass audience and government agencies for a quality counter-propaganda in the media.

Key words: information space, propaganda, strategies to combat propaganda, Internet resources to counter propaganda in the media.

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