The Current Advertising Discourse of Through the Prism of Scientific Researches on Social Communications (2008–2017)
Research methodology. The main methods of obtaining material about the object / subject of dissertation research of advertising discourse for further analysis is observation and description. In addition, in the article to find out the dynamics of the change of advertising as an object / subject of research in 2008–2017 such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization are used.
Results. The peculiarities of the object / subject of scientific researches of advertising discourse transformation within the framework of social communications for 2008-2017 were determined; its main directions were revealed. It is also emphasized that for ten years, researchers of social communications have developed and tested methods of research on advertising discourse, which facilitates the choice of research methodology in contemporary articles. As a positive aspect, the use of socio-communicative approach of the sociological survey and the proper processing of its results have been noted in order to determine the attitude of the recipients both to advertising in general and to certain types of it in particular.
Novelty. In the dissertation researches on social communications devoted to advertising and were passed during 2008-2017, the features of the object and subject of their research were highlighted. In addition, the subject of the research has been described in the professional researches of advertising, published in 2016-2017 in the journal «State and Regions. Series: Social Communications «. The analysis of the material revealed the main tendencies of the transformation of advertising as an object / object of scientific research at the level of the main characteristics (communication and socialization characteristics prevail over the actual lingual), types (new types of advertising are analyzed they have emerged as a result of the application of the latest communications technology, for example: digital and out-of-home advertising), functions (forming of values in the audience, those are fixed for a certain advertisement).
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used during the teaching of such educational disciplines within advertising science: «Sociology of Advertising», «Advertising in Mass Media and the Internet», «Advertising on TV», «Advertising Practice on the Radio», «Theory of Advertising».
Key words: advertising, advertising discourse, object and subject of research, advertising myth, advertising functions, communication and socialization features of advertising.
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