Concept of Communication in the System of Social Communications

N. Gaidur


Methodology of research. Methodological basis of research contains the principles of objectivity and systemicity that are based on the combination of interdisciplinary approaches and methods, borrowed from diverse socio-humanitarian disciplines. Fundamentals of the general cognitive theory and the dialectical method of scientific knowledge of the phenomena of reality in their development and interconnection in particular, became the methodological basis of the article. The combinations of philosophical and anthropological methods, historical method as well as the method of systemic-structural analysis are embraced in this research.


Results. Considering the current state of the science of social communication and socio-communicative practice, a new definition of the concept of communication as a specific filter in the context of the cognitive capabilities of the mass audience is proposed, the mechanisms of functioning of the concept of communication are identified and the principles of meeting the expectations of the audience through the concept of communication are defined and structured.

Novelty. The modern concept of communication is characterized by the prevalence of political factors. Content conventions create a variety of interpretations so that on the market of communications the audience can find headlines about events that reach the classical location of the concept of communication. The part of the concept of communication implements the goals of mass communication through varieties of content, hybrids or borrowings. The transmission of a certain style of content occurs either through journalism, or simply through the reproduction of a picture of the world, subjected to semantic tabloidization.

The practical value. The results of the research, embodied in the text of this article, can be used in the teaching of disciplines of the specialty 061 Journalism of the field of knowledge 06 Journalism.

Key words: audience, means, context, content, concept, expectation, release.


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