The Reformation of Ukrainian Television: 2017–2018 Trends and Dynamics

V. Goian, O. Goian


Research methodology. To determine the basic tendencies typical to the functioning of public and commercial broadcasting in Ukrainian media system, a systematic method was used, the descriptive and analytical methods were employed to identify the existence of competition and cooperation between public and commercial TV and radio companies; to interpret and outline the array of TV and radio programs that confirm the dynamics of certain tendencies on the media market and determine the potential of the system of national broadcasting in Ukraine, we applied content analysis, and, finally, comparative method was used to understand the actual role and need for professional discussions concerning the place and role of public and commercial broadcasting in a single system, which is correlated with social and market factors.

Results. The article reveals main tendencies typical for TV and radio market of Ukraine in the first years of coexistence and reformation of commercial, state-owned and public broadcasters.

Novelty. The article confirms the idea that 2017–2018 period is peculiar with certain trends caused by political, economic and social processes in the country and having affected the management of TV and radio companies and software products. During this period, issues of freedom of speech, journalistic standards and fake information, language quotas, features of national and personal products, the concept of broadcasting for national minorities, the competence of invitees to TV and radio experts, etc. were actively discussed. These and such other problems of the professional area have become top-ranked headlines of modern media criticism, subject to professional analysis of theorists and practitioners, scientists and publicists, as the article discusses.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to further study trends in the development of modern Ukrainian broadcasting.

Key words: public and commercial TV and radio companies, tendencies of the TV and radio market, language quotas, national and personal product, trust in broadcasting.


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