The Content of Ukrainian Television Journalism as a «New Wave» in Documentery

V. Korobko


Research methodology. The basis of the research is interdisciplinary, informational and systematic approaches. In this research, the following methods were used: historical, analysis and generalization to determine the common between news content and documentaries.

Results. It is analyzed the trend in television news, which is producing a television product within one topic during the whole week, which is then converted into a documentary film, and the connection between television journalism and known areas of «new wave» filming in documentary studies has been revealed. News stories, which become not just a few minutes of reporting, but have been turning into the short-length documentaries that depict a certain reality at a certain point in time, thus creating a certain new movement in the modern television space. Thus, it has become possible to draw a parallel between the plots of STB and 1+1 TV channels and the flows that arose in the 50s-60s of the 20th century in cinematographic studies «cinema verite», «direct cinema» and «free cinema». These flows were quite revolutionary at their times and were related to contemplation, the shooting the life as it is, or the searching for truth in moving images. Earlier, cinematographers used such techniques of shooting that did not make the facts realistic, but with the advent of technological progress and the development of more portable equipment it became possible to change the course of documentary and give directors more freedom in reproduction of reality and the creation of new rules for documentary film, which led to the emergence of a «new wave».

Novelty of the research is that for the first time in the national science the connection between the news television plots and documentary cinema was investigated. As a result of the research, it was found that modern Ukrainian TV news journalism creates its «new wave» in documentary studies. Important problems journalists are trying to convey through a series of plots in the production of daily news on television, combining them into a single documentary work.

The practical significance. The results of the study broaden theoretical concepts of television documentaries and their connection to television journalism.

Key words: television documentary, tv-news, new wave, cinema, television.


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