Social Adaptation of IDP Children in a Children's Television Association

I. Penchuk


Research methodology. The basis of the study is informational, functional, systemic, personal and cognitive approaches; the following methods were used: theoretical (historical and theoretical system analysis of theoretical and methodological literature, the theoretical method (by means of which the results of the study of the formation of the children's TV association, which are arranged in a harmonious chronological system, were described and substantiated); empirical and theoretical (method of factual analysis in order to identify the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's television programs «Little Adults»; the method of cognitive analysis of children's TV program and its headings; the theoretical generalization pedagogue empirical (standardized observation of the perceptions and emotional reactions of adolescents-IPD during training in a TV association and the creation of their own television programs; the experiment method, during which we put forward the idea of using the system of additional education, in particular the Children's Television Association, where the basis of joint activity interaction with society through video production, mass media); the method of included field systematic observation, which enabled to trace the behavior of children in real conditions ; the method of scientific observation, through which the process of social and psychological adaptation of the child-IPD in the children's television association is researched.

Results. The features of social adaptation of adolescents in the children's television association are determined, demonstrated the main stages of the video-making process in the system of additional education as a significant element for the social adjustment of adolescents.

Novelty. The components that promote team building, social and psychological adaptation of children who find themselves in a situation of sudden change of residence, adjusting to a new environment for themselves are systematized. The basic stages of social adaptation of children in the process of media literacy are analyzed.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to develop educational and educational children's TV projects, in the process of professional adaptation of adolescents, during pedagogical activities in television children's circles, associations and schools.

Keywords: media education, television association, social adaptation, children's TV program, heading, internally displaced person (IPD), child-IPD.



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