Algorithms of Editing a User-Generated Content in Snternet Media

K. Nazarenko


Research Methodology. The study uses empirical and theoretical methods as observation method, factor, system and retrospective analysis. To achieve the purpose of the study, methods of measurement, induction, deduction and synthesis were been applied.

Results. User-generated Content that is used as a part of media products should be subject to most advanced control and processing and meet current challenges of the media sphere. Intellectual property rights compliance and material verification requirements change the established strategy of the editor’s work with user-generated content. Analyzed the "traditional" approaches to work and current challenges that led to the importance of developing new algorithms of action. In particular, the editor, depending on the type of content, which he works with, faces three stages of work. Modern technological capabilities makes some of them much easier. In particular, the verification tools, which are used by leading world internet media, allow you to quickly verify the probability of received user-generated content, and the obligatory acceptance of  "User Terms" by reader provides an easier and faster way to get permission to use the content within any media product or specify certain restrictions in this. At the same time, they determine the functionality of processing user-generated content by editor. Also, legislative requirements on publications is influenced on his work. All above-mentioned factors in aggregate require the editor to adhere algorithms to professionally, quickly and efficiently handle with user-generated content.

Novelty. Under this article the algorithms of editing the user-generated content in online media was first developed. On the basis of proposed by Horska K. researcher, a new typology was developed, which is more relevant from editors view on user-generated content in the internet media.

The practical significance. Taking into account the media industry challenges, analyzed by the study, the modern, flexible and working algorithms of editorial work, that can be applied in everyday practice were been developed. Schematically executed research results should greatly simplify the application of algorithms by editors.

Key words: editorial algorithms, user generated content, user-created content, online media, verifying content.


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